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Graduate Nursing Overview

护理研究生秋季入学截止日期延长至6月1日 2024.

The Graduate Nursing program at Austin Peay State University offers a supportive learning 环境准备学生在各种医疗保健的高级实践角色 organizations and settings. T
he Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP), Nurse Educator (NE), and Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (PMHNP) concentrations are flexible and designed to meet the needs 在不同职业阶段的注册护士. All graduate nursing classes are primarily delivered in an online format. 

The FNP, NE, and PMHNP concentrations offer students access to a collaborative academic community with low student-to-faculty ratios, direct and frequent access to faculty, 个人建议和互动的学习方法. FNP and PMHNP students attend a FUN and INTERACTIVE on-campus intensive to practice hands-on skills, participate 在模拟,并与同行,教师和专家在该领域的互动.

More information can be found about the Graduate Nursing programs in the 365bet Graduate Bulletin.

Graduate nursing student with simulated patient.

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学生应该考虑365bet护理研究生课程的原因有很多. Here are just a few:

  • Low faculty: student ratios——从学生被录取的那一刻起,我们就知道他们的名字. The Graduate Nursing 365bet的教师致力于学生的成功.
  • High Value/Low-Cost Education--tuition at 365bet is very competitive and students graduate with low debt and quality outcomes. 365bet的每学分研究生学费是田纳西州最低的 institution)--一个学生可以获得少于21,000美元的MSN(只付学费/在州内)。
  • No GRE is Required for Admission.
  • Student Involvement——护理研究生有机会参加护理研究生课程 committees from their first semester. 
  • On-Campus Intensives (OCIs)--opportunities for on-campus learning: we believe that advanced assessment and procedures 在一个有趣的、支持性的、实践性的学习中,它们是最好的学习吗 environment.
  • Synchronous videoconferencing--these opportunities provide students with r实时体验和参与任何地点.
  • Asynchronous classes--classes are set up to be primarily online. Students watch lecture content, take 测验、提交作业和异步参与在线讨论.

On-Campus Intensives (OCIs) are required visits to the Clarksville, Tennessee, campus. FNP and PMHNP students will receive dates and times well in advance for planning purposes. These "Intensives" are intended to provide a fun and supportive learning environment 练习和评估在网上课堂上学到的技能和技巧. 在密集的课程中,学生们有机会与他们的同龄人交往 members of the School of Nursing Graduate Faculty.

  • The MSN Program (FNP & PMHNP浓度)需要两次访问365bet校园 for intensives. NP学生还要完成一门虚拟的高级临床技能强化课程.

ASSESSMENT: 评估OCI发生在高级健康评估(NURS 5008)结束时。 clinical/lab course. 评估OCI允许学生与同学和毕业生见面 护理教师亲自和加强现有的专业关系. In small 由研究生护理学院领导的小组,学生将实践所获得的技能 在课堂上并参与开放实验、实验实践和实验检查.

CLINICAL: 虚拟高级技能强化护理研究生FNP学生 在NURS 5801课程期间,在临床时间开始时. This Virtual OCI 旨在实践高级实践办公室程序(i.e: suturing, biopsies, x线解读,脱甲,切开引流,复杂伤口护理 management). Students complete this OCI virtually.

FINAL: 最终OCI发生在毕业前的最后一个学期结束时. The 最后的OCI包括庆祝所有研究生的成就 they complete their final Graduate Nursing courses.


High Value/Low Cost Education--tuition at 365bet is very competitive and students graduate with low debt and quality outcomes. 365bet的每学分研究生学费是田纳西州最低的 institution--一个学生可以获得少于21,000美元的MSN(只付学费/在州内)。

The most current graduate tuition and fee information can be found at the Austin Peay State University Student Account Services and Cashier's Office website.

对于每个学期的学费/费用和额外费用的估计,学生 can access 365bet's Net Price Calculator

学生可以找到更多关于经济援助选择和退伍军人福利的信息 at the Austin Peay State University Office of Student Financial Aid website.

The 365bet Graduate Nursing Program welcomes out of state applicants and military-affiliated applicants. 我们有许多研究生护理学生生活和完成临床 out of Tennessee, but some states prohibit students from completing nursing clinical experiences in their state. 因此,365bet护理研究生课程不能 保证学生在所有50个州进行临床实习.

符合下列任何一项的现有或潜在护理研究生 categories should email graduatenursing@010fchome.com to discuss their individual needs:

  • 有兴趣申请研究生护理课程的外州学生.
  • Any graduate nursing student who is interested in completing clinical in a state that is different than TN.
  • Students who may move or who relocate to a different state after entering the program. 
  • 我们目前不接受来自纽约或华盛顿的申请者. 

Licensure and Certification Disclosures

Students should be aware that licensure and certification requirements vary from state to state and are subject to change. 许可机构或委员会也可能有要求 in addition to an earned degree. 365bet recommends that students who are not Tennessee residents or who plan to seek licensure or certification outside the state of Tennessee 在他们参加学术课程之前,请联系适当的许可机构或董事会 程序设计导致执照或认证,并讨论他们的计划与 an advisor. 在护理执照和临床实践法规中找到更多信息.

Licensure Program Eligibility Disclosures

Nurse Licensure Compact State Information

Nursys Authorization to Practice Map


每个学生都被分配了一个研究生护理顾问,他将审查每个学生的 课程顺序,列出各个学期要修的课程.

NE students are not required to come to campus. FNP and PMHNP students are required to be on campus 2  times throughout their program. Each On-Campus Intensive (OCI) 是提前1-2天公布日期吗. The OCIs are FUN. There are 与同学和老师学习和社交的机会. 

Many of our students continue to work while in our program; however, each student 是否有不同的需求与学习时间、工作与生活的平衡和临床实习有关 availability. 选择全日制完成NP专业的学生 do not work, or work part-time/PRN minimally.

No. MSN课程(所有专业)接受护士的申请 receive their BSN degree and pass the NCLEX. Though we do not currently require any 对于特定时间的工作经历,每个学生都应该认真考虑自己 同时具备接受高等教育的能力和愿望 beginning a new profession.

Nurse Educators enjoy careers in instructional or administrative positions as faculty 在护理学校或医疗机构的工作人员发展领域. A MSN 护理教育使有经验的护士能够结合他们的临床专业知识  with a passion for teaching.

End of Program Student Learning Outcomes (EPSLOs) 表达知识、技能和行为的可衡量的陈述是否 学生应该能够在完成课程后进行演示. The following EPSLOs are consistent with standards of professional practice, professional standards, 研究生护理计划的结果(POs),并与专业一致 standards and competencies.

Role-specific Professional Competencies include expected, measurable levels of graduate 为每个专业的毕业生提供整合知识、技能和行为的表现 concentration.

Graduates of the MSN program will be able to:

  1. Demonstrate advanced role professional behaviors and leadership competencies, including 有效的沟通,协调,与个人,家庭, and members of the healthcare team.
  2. 评估信息和技术以指导高级护理实践.
  3. Analyze theoretical and evidence-based research to guide decisions and quality improvement in the advanced nursing role.
  4. 在高级护理角色中展示道德决策.
  5. 分析数据,修改健康的决定因素,促进改善的结果 all persons and populations.
  6. Integrate advocacy principles to influence nursing practice and policies at the systems level.


  1. Evaluate the process of implementing, monitoring, and managing curricula using relevant 理论、教与学策略、技术创新.
  2. 评估各种策略来监控和评估项目、课程和掌握程度 of student learning.
  3. 实践先进的,循证的,当代的,以人为本的护理.

Graduates of the MSN Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) Concentration will also be able to:

  1. 在管理初级保健需求方面表现出独立性和问责性; 包括评估和识别鉴别诊断,优先排序,管理 health and illness, and evaluating care for individuals and families across the lifespan.
  2. 利用基于证据的实践指南,提供安全、富有同情心、高质量、 and personalized care to diverse patients.
  3. 在以人为本的护理管理中应用先进的临床判断.

Graduates of the MSN Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (PMHNP) Concentration will also be able to:

  1. Demonstrate independence and accountability in managing psychiatric and mental health care needs, including assessing and identifying differential diagnoses, prioritizing 管理急性和慢性疾病,评估对个人和 families across the lifespan.
  2. 利用基于证据的实践指南,提供安全、富有同情心、高质量、 and personalized care to diverse patients.
  3. 在以人为本的护理管理中应用先进的临床判断.

NP CERTIFICATION RATES: Certification rates are assessed by calendar year.

  • 2023--所有首次参加FNP认证考试的人的年通过率为91.4%. 2023年没有人参加PMHNP考试.
  • 2022--所有首次参加FNP认证考试的人的年通过率为91.2%. 2022年没有人参加PMHNP考试.
  • 2021--所有首次参加FNP认证考试的人的年通过率为94.7%. 2021年没有人参加PMHNP考试.

COMPLETION RATES: 完成率按日历年进行评估,并按开始日期进行跟踪.

  • 2020 Admission Cohort--Aggregate Completion Rate calculated removing work-life-personal reasons for leaving the program= 94%
  • 2020 Admission Cohort--Aggregate Program Completion Rate (within 12 semester maximum)= 76% 
  • 2020年入学队列-100%准时完成全日制MSN课程 option= 62%
  • 2020年入学队列-兼职MSN项目的100%准时完成率 option= 77%
  • 2019 Admission Cohort--Aggregate Completion Rate calculated removing work-life-personal reasons for leaving the program= 93%
  • 2019 Admission Cohort--Aggregate Program Completion Rate (within 12 semester maximum)= 63%
  • 2019年入学队列-在通常的时间框架内,100%的准时完成率 full-time MSN program option= 51%
  • 2019年入学队列-兼职MSN项目的100%准时完成率 option= 61%

365bet Nursing Scholarships: 有几个奖学金提供给365bet研究生护理学生. Applications can be submitted from October 1- February 1. Students must be admitted to 365bet in order to apply. 奖学金每年春季颁发,从下一学年开始 in fall semesters.

Tennessee Graduate Nursing Loan Forgiveness Program: The Graduate Nursing Loan-Forgiveness Program is designed to encourage Tennessee residents 谁是注册护士才能成为田纳西州护理的教师和管理人员 education programs. 欲了解更多信息,请直接访问TN网站:

Army Nurse Corps Association Scholarships: 为护理研究生提供护理教育奖学金. For more information, please go directly to the ANCA website:

Veteran's Benefits: Thank you for your service! 请联系365bet退伍军人教育办公室 直接获取有关教育福利和服务的信息.

National Graduate Nursing Scholarship Opportunities

  • 联邦HRSA奖学金和贷款偿还计划 提供资金帮助学生抵消教育费用. Scholarship 该计划为入学学生提供学费、杂费和生活津贴援助 in a qualified nursing program. Loan repayment programs provide funding to graduates 在严重短缺工厂全职工作,并获得合格的教育贷款.
  • Faculty Loan Repayment Program 向来自弱势背景的保健专业人员提供高达40 000美元 exchange for two years of service on the faculty at an accredited health professions college or university.
  • U.S. Public Health Services’ SRCOSTEP Program provides pay and benefits to selected applicants in the final year of full-time academic study in exchange for work for the sponsoring agency as a Commissioned Corps Officer after graduation. The service obligation is equal to twice the time sponsored; that 对于9个月的财政支持,SRCOSTEP参与者是否承诺18个月 指在提供支持的部门或组织工作.
  • Best Nursing Degree.com-为BSN或MSN学生提供1,000美元的护理荣誉奖学金.
  • MinuteClinic 颁发最多40名护士及执业医师奖学金,每位奖学金$2,500,以及最多20名医生奖学金 of Nursing Practice Scholarships at $2,500 each.
  • National Health Service Corps, a division of the U.S. 美国卫生与公众服务部,提供奖学金 program to Nurse Practitioners students (post graduate degree with clinical practice focus) at an accredited U.S. school.
  • Nurse Practitioner Health Association offers a variety of scholarships ($1,000 to $4,000 awards) to students in Nurse Practitioner 研究生课程奖励杰出的研究、领导和学术成就.
  • GradSchools.com 为少数族裔护士提供2000美元的奖学金来资助他们毕业吗 school degree.
  • MinuteClinic 颁发最多40名护士及执业医师奖学金,每位奖学金$2,500,以及最多20名医生奖学金 of Nursing Practice Scholarships at $2,500 each.
  • National Health Service Corps, a division of the U.S. 美国卫生与公众服务部,提供奖学金 program to Nurse Practitioners students (post graduate degree with clinical practice focus) at an accredited U.S. school.
  • Nurse Practitioner Health Association offers a variety of scholarships ($1,000 to $4,000 awards) to students in Nurse Practitioner 研究生课程奖励杰出的研究、领导和学术成就.
  • American Assembly for Men in Nursing Foundation 为攻读本科的男学生提供五人奖学金吗 and graduate nursing degrees.
  • American Indian Graduate Center (AIGC) 为符合条件的美国印第安人和阿拉斯加原住民提供一系列奖学金.
  • American Red Cross awards the Jane Delano Student Nurse Scholarship to both undergraduate nursing students 以及作为志愿者或美国红十字会雇员的护理专业毕业生 Cross Unit.
  • DiversityNursing.com是一个面向护士的小众网站,从实习护士到CNO,该网站提供5000美元的年薪 Education Award. 你必须注册为全日制或兼职学生在认可的 School of Nursing in a professional registered nurse program (baccalaureate, graduate, associate degree or diploma) OR work Full-Time, Part-Time or Per Diem as a Registered 护士,LPN,执业护士或护士长/管理员在美国.S. based organization.
  • ExceptionalNurse.com offers scholarships to both graduate and undergraduate nursing students with disabilities.
  • Indian Health Service (IHS) offers scholarships to American Indian and Alaska Native health professions students in both undergraduate and graduate programs.
  • National Association of Hispanic Nurses (NAHN) members enrolled in accredited undergraduate and graduate nursing programs are presented scholarships based on their demonstration of professional contributions to the nursing 专业,有潜力成为有抱负的护理学生的榜样.
  • NURSE Corps Scholarship Program (NCSP), helps students complete their nursing education by paying tuition, fees, other education costs, while providing a monthly living stipend. The program is open to full-time nursing students accepted or enrolled in diploma, associate, baccalaureate or graduate 在美国认可的学校开设护理课程.S. Upon graduation, scholarship 项目成员在严重短缺设施履行服务承诺.
  • Tennessee Nurses Foundation 支持田纳西州护士协会成员的护士教育 为那些寻求高等教育的人提供奖学金. The Maureen Nalle Memorial 研究生护理奖学金计划提供高达5000美元的奖励. Applications are due March 1.